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Indium8.9HF1-P 显著提高ICT测试一次性通过率

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-12-11  来源:SMT之家商务通  作者:Indium  浏览次数:1222
核心提示:Indium Corporation introduces a new Pb-free solder paste designed to combine best-in-class stencil printing performance, using Indium’s unique halogen-free oxidation barrier technology with optimized no-clean residues for enhanced probe testing. Indium8.9
Indium8.9HF1-P Delivers High First Pass Yields for In-circuit Testing

Indium_Indium8.9HF1-PIndium Corporation introduces a new Pb-free solder paste designed to combine best-in-class stencil printing performance, using Indium’s unique halogen-free oxidation barrier technology with optimized no-clean residues for enhanced probe testing. Indium8.9HF1-P saves time and money on testing by eliminating false failures and giving the highest first pass yields.

“Indium8.9HF1-P has proven low cost-of-ownership for PCB assemblies,” said Tim Jensen, Global Product Manager for Indium Corporation’s PCB assembly products. “Our customers have been asking for a high-performance solder paste that combines excellent printability with probe-testability. This solder paste delivers on all counts. What this means is that Indium8.9HF1-P will deliver long-term reliability for our customers’ end products.”

Indium8.9HF1-P provides high transfer efficiency, and consistent print performance, even at high speeds. Additionally this paste has a robust response-to-pause, lessening the need for frequent under-stencil wiping. Indium8.9HF1-P prints well on apertures with area ratios <0.5, using low print pressures. Indium Corporation’s unique oxidation barrier technology enhances reflow performance, eliminating defects such as head-in-pillow and graping.

Indium8.9HF1-P is optimized for probe-testability in two ways: it has a soft residue after reflow, which is easily penetrable by test probes, and this residue remains probe-testable after multiple reflows, time between reflow and test, and baking.

Indium Corporation is a premier materials manufacturer and supplier to the global electronics, semiconductor, solar, thin-film and thermal management markets. Products include solders, preforms, and fluxes; brazes; sputtering targets; indium, gallium, and germanium metals and inorganic compounds; and NanoFoil®. Founded in 1934, Indium has global technical support and factories located in China, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the USA.

For more information about Indium Corporation, visit www.indium.com or email abrown@indium.com.
关键词: Indium Indium8.9HF1-P
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