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Indium 8.9 HFA 锡膏被微型化装配加速采用

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-06-18  来源:SMT商务通  作者:Indium  浏览次数:682
核心提示:铟泰公司的Indium 8.9 HFA 是一款多功能、无卤、无铅的锡膏,它具备领先的适合微型化器件的钢网印刷性能。组装厂和OEM们都在加速采用这一卓越的新产品。

Indium8.9HFA Solder Paste Sees Accelerated Adoption for Miniaturized Assemblies 
Indium Corporation’s Indium8.9HFA Solder Paste is a versatile, halogen-free, Pb-free, solder paste with leading print performance on miniaturized components. Assemblers and OEMs are adopting this remarkable new product at an accelerating pace.
Print performance is especially critical for manufacturers of mobile phones and other personal electronics devices as they struggle to contend with sub-8 mil challenges associated with continuing miniaturization in the electronics assembly industry.
Indium8.9HFA Solder Paste provides:
Low Cost of Ownership & High Print Yields
Unsurpassed transfer efficiency for consistent, full volume print deposits (8 mil) results in reduced frequency of insufficients and high first-pass print yields
Low print pressure and excellent response-to-pause saves time and money on stencils and line changes
Solvent-free dry-wiping reduces costs
Increased throughput
Higher print speed and reduced wipe frequency enables short cycle time, high up-time, and high throughput printing 
“Indium8.9HFA represents the culmination of years of research into optimizing rheological properties to obtain the industry’s best printing solder paste.” Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee, Vice President of Technology for Indium Corporation’s Research and Development
“The fast ramp of Indium8.9HFA with personal electronics manufacturers is driven by the product’s ability to enable high print yields. Customers really value its high throughput performance. We have not seen adoption rates this fast since the introduction of NC-SMQ92J in 1999.” Tim Jensen, Product Manager for Indium Corporation’s PCB Assembly Materials
Indium8.9HFA Solder Paste is part of Indium Corporation’s Indium8.9 series of solder pastes. The series was designed to provide multi-faceted performance characteristics, bringing the right balance of solder paste attributes tailored specifically to your manufacturing process. Each paste in the series was developed to optimize print performance and mitigate common defects faced by manufacturers of personal electronics, such as QFN voiding, head-in-pillow, and graping. 
For more information about Indium8.9HFA or the Indium8.9 series of solder pastes, visit www.indium.com/indium8.9series or email askus@indium.com. 
Indium Corporation is a premier materials manufacturer and supplier to the global electronics, semiconductor, solar, thin-film and thermal management markets. Products include solders, preforms, and fluxes; brazes; sputtering targets; indium, gallium, and germanium metals and inorganic compounds; and NanoFoil®. Founded in 1934, Indium has global technical support and factories located in China, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the USA.
For more information about Indium Corporation, visit www.indium.com or email abrown@indium.com.  
关键词: Indium
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