Cobar 385D助焊剂很适用汽车发动机板子插件的发泡工艺,本身它的活性低,可靠性强,符合汽车发动机(ECU)安全要求。无卤素(环保) 、固态含量低、低残留焊后免清洗、酸值偏低(对板子,焊点没有腐蚀)
Do not leave shipments outdoors. Try to avoid prolonged exposure of the containers to heat, frost or rain.
Solder materials are perishable. They should be treated accordingly.
Storage, Handling, Shelf-life
The shelf-life of Cobar solder fluxes is best guaranteed at temperatures below 20 °C and a relative humidity
below 70%. However, for those circumstances where the temperatures (temporarily) may rise beyond the
conditions as mentioned, we have designed a table to estimate the shelf-life.