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  • 品牌名称:瑞盛RASEM
  • 公司名称:东莞瑞盛自控技术有限公司
  • 官方主页http://rasem.com.cn
  • 所在地区:广东东莞市
  • 浏览次数1854
  • 更新日期:2019-09-29

       我们一直追求专业化发展道路,始终秉持“诚信铸就品牌,创新引领发展” 始终掌握高端精密的核心技术,精湛的生产制造工艺和产品质量控制,用我们的专业化服务帮助客户创造更高的价值;   瑞盛RASEM 注重共享、创新、诚信 正直的品质,瑞盛RASEM 人正携手为海外高精尖技术国产化梦想不懈努力!

         Rasem(dongguan) automatic control technology co., LTD. Is a PCB plate points, the second to none in the field of manufacturers;Focus on PCBA automatic cutter points machine \ online PCBA automatic cutter machine \ offline points machine to online and related r&d and production of automation;Is given priority to with the electronics industry automation equipment set up research and development, production, sales and service of a complete system.
        We have been pursuing professional development path, and always uphold the \"integrity cast brand, innovation lead development\" has always been mastery of core technology, high precision exquisite manufacturing technology and product quality control, with our professional services to help customers to create higher value;Rui sheng RASEM focus on sharing, innovation, honesty, integrity, rui sheng RASEM people are hand in hand for the overseas advanced technology localization dream unremitting efforts!
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