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发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » SMT设备 » 贴装设备 » 波峰焊 »

RS-350无铅波峰焊 迈瑞公司

品牌: 迈瑞
单价: 1.00元/台
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 1 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-05-20 21:51
浏览次数: 211

  • 波峰焊RS-300


  • 详细介绍
  • 详细参数



  • 外形流線型設計,內部模塊化設計,適合SMT及直插元件的無鉛焊接;

  • 噴霧系統采用離心風幾上幾下抽風,防止助焊劑滴到PCB上;

  • 助焊劑感應外置,更加可靠耐用;

  • 內置助焊劑碰頭自動清洗功能系統;

  • 標配雙冷風刀,防止助焊劑霧氣外向擴散,減少污染;

  • 新型良好的洗爪系統設計;

  • 錫爐標配全鈦爐膽,對應無鉛環境的經久耐用;

  • 雙波控制采用無級雙頻技術,可獨立控制波峰高度;

  • 1/2HP大功率波峰馬達,最大波峰高度可達17mm;

  • 具有超溫聲光報警及緊急制動系統,所有馬達均有過載保護;

  • 可根據用戶的設定時間自動進行開機和關機。

  • Streamlined shape design, internal modular design, suitable for lead-free soldering and SMT line element;

  • The spray system uses the centrifugal fan a few on a few drops to prevent convulsions, flux PCB;

  • The external induction flux, more reliable and durable;

  • The function of automatic cleaning system with built-in flux;

  • Standard double cold knife, prevent mist flux outward diffusion, reduce pollution;

  • Design of a new type of washing claw system;

  • Tin standard full titanium furnace, corresponding lead-free environment durable;

  • Double wave control is adopted with the stepless frequency dual technology, which can control the peak height independently;

  • 1/2HP high power peak motor, the maximum wave height of up to 17mm;

  • With over temperature sound and light alarm and emergency braking system, all motors are overloaded;

  • According to the user's set time automatically start and shutdown.

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